Financial Information

  • Here you will find our First and Second Interim reports, Unaudited Actuals and Budget information. Please use the menu on the left hand side of the page, Financial Information listed by year.

    The process of establishing and approving the budget begins in January with the Governor's proposed budget for the state, which is the primary source of funding for schools. District administration prepares the budget details. In June, the board adopts a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The district is required by state law to provide the board with two interim financial reports during the year, which reflect any necessary budget adjustments. Additional budget revisions may be submitted to the board during the course of a year on an as-needed basis.

Budget Development Process

  • January
    Attend workshop on Governor's next fiscal year budget proposal

    Budget forms and preliminary allocations distributed to schools and departments
    Current fiscal year second interim financial certification

    Budget forms due back from schools and departments
    Review budget information with Superintendent

    Update budge assumptions based on the Governor's May Revise proposal

    Final draft of next fiscal year's adopted budget available
    Hold public hearing
    Adopt next fiscal year's budget (required on or before July 1)
    File budget with County Superintendent

    Revised July 1 (now the current fiscal year) budget and file actual income and expense for prior fiscal year

    Adopt current fiscal year appropriations limit
    Adjust schools' allocations based on enrollment and end of 2nd school month

    County Superintendent approves final budget.

    Current fiscal year first interim financial certification
    Develop next fiscal year's preliminary student enrollment and staffing projections