- Hamilton Unified School District
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Office of the Superintendent
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What is the LCAP?
The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. The plans will describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals. The LCAPs must focus on eight areas identified as state priorities. The plans will also demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.
What are the eight state priority areas that must be addressed in the plans?
There are eight areas for which school districts, with parent and community input, must establish goals and actions. This must be done both district-wide and for each school. The areas are:
- Providing all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities.
- Implementation of California’s academic standards, including the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math, Next Generation Science Standards, English language development, history social science, visual and performing arts, health education and physical education standards.
- Parent involvement and participation, so the local community is engaged in the decision-making process and the educational programs of students.
- Improving student achievement and outcomes along multiple measures, including test scores, English proficiency and college and career preparedness.
- Supporting student engagement, including whether students attend school or are chronically absent.
- Highlighting school climate and connectedness through a variety of factors, such as suspension and expulsion rates and other locally identified means.
- Ensuring all students have access to classes that prepare them for college and careers, regardless of what school they attend or where they live.
- Measuring other important student outcomes related to required areas of study, including physical education and the arts.
In addition to these eight areas, a district may also identify and incorporate in its plan goals related to its own local priorities.
The new LCFF and LCAPs provide a great opportunity for parents to engage in the decisions that impact their children and schools. You can start now by thinking about the eight state priority areas and what you would like to see as goals for your school district and schools in each. In addition, now is the time to communicate with school administrators and elected board members to help them establish an LCAP development and adoption process that ensures many ways for all parents and community members to participate and be heard.
Local Control And Accountability Plan Administrative Regulation 0460
2022-23 HUSD LCAP/LCP Annual Update
06 2022 HUSD Supplement to Annual Update for 2021-22 LCAP 20220623.pdf 134.61 KB (Last Modified on June 23, 2022) -
HUSD 2021-24 LCAP
2021_Local_Control_and_Accountability_Plan_Hamilton_Unified_School_District_20210603.pdf 2.03 MB (Last Modified on October 11, 2021) -
2020-21 LCFF Budget Overview for Parents Approved 12/09/2020
2020-21 LCFF Budget Overview for Parents Approved 120920.pdf 521.38 KB (Last Modified on April 9, 2021) -
HUSD 2018-19 LCAP
2018_Local_Control_and_Accountability_Plan_Annual_Update_HUSD_5_31_18.pdf 14.48 MB (Last Modified on April 9, 2021)